Fourth, in the area of finances, let’s practice what Jesus says here. Matt 6:24 – Jesus mentions that if you boil it down, there are only 2 masters out there: God or Money. How do we know if our master is God or if it’s Money? The verses prior to Matt 6:24 and the verses […]
Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7): Being Doers of the Word (pt3 of 4)
Next, Jesus gives us a second area that we can put into practice, namely in our public witness. Matthew 5:13-16 talks about being salt and light. Why are we to be salt and light? v16– Matt 5 16 In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds […]
Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7): Being Doers of the Word (pt2 of 4)
First, in personal life, we are to examine ourselves. Examine? I thought we were to never doubt, never question and always have faith. I have assurance of salvation. I cried in junior high during a retreat so I’m set. Why do I need to examine? Because our heart is deceitful. We can be sincere, but […]
Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7): Being Doers of the Word (pt1 of 4)
Read Matt 7:24-27. One of the keywords in this text is practice. To get good at anything takes practice. Playing sports or playing an instrument, or learning a new subject takes practice. When it comes to school, you have to practice what you heard in the classroom at night when you’re alone and it’s time […]
Matthew 7:1-6 – Judging Without a Judgmental Spirit (pt4 of 4)
It’s not a coincidence that the verses that follow the “do not judge” section are about prayer. Verse 7 – ask, seek, knock. Before you confront someone, ask God for wisdom. Is my judgment even accurate? Is it a sin issue? Is it my sin issue? Is this the right time to confront? Do I […]
Matthew 7:1-6 – Judging Without a Judgmental Spirit (pt3 of 4)
So Jesus warns in v1-2. 1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. A key word in these verses is “measure.” Did you ever notice that verse? If […]