This is the difference between justification and sanctification. The moment you accept Christ, the grace of God comes into your life and you are justified, legally pronounced righteous before God in Christ. But, as you grow in grace, you are sanctified, changed as you abide with Christ. And over time, you become more “righteous.” It’s […]
Matthew 5:17-48: Having Love for Your Enemies is the Litmus Test (pt2 of 4)
Starting in v21-22, we have the first of six statements. Statement #1: v21-22 21 “YOU HAVE HEARD [meaning, here is the wrong interpretation] that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ 22 BUT I TELL YOU [here’s the correct interpretation] that anyone […]
Matthew 5:17-48: Having Love for Your Enemies is the Litmus Test (pt1 of 4)
Please turn with me to Matthew 5:43-48. We began a few weeks ago with the first section of the Sermon on the Mount, known as the Beatitudes, which describe the traits of a true, born again Christian. Jesus begins his very first sermon by defining what a Christian is. Notice – he doesn’t say, a […]
2 Cor 4 – Do Not Lose Heart (Sending off our first missionary couple)
This is the commissioning service for Brother D and Sister S, who will be leaving as missionaries to China tomorrow. I’ve known D since he was a student in college when he had the email address, [email protected]. I don’t think I have to explain what kind of person D was because that email address says […]
Matt 5:9-16 – Blessed Are the Peacemakers (pt4 of 4)
Why do we not live as salt and light? Why do we put the lamp under a bowl and not shine? The most obvious reason is that we have not been spending quality time with Jesus. He is the light of the world. Stay close to Jesus and your light will be rekindled. Abide in […]
Matt 5:9-16 – Blessed Are the Peacemakers (pt3 of 4)
Not only is sharing about Christ something we do because He is the best thing that happened to me and to you, but also we share Christ because we believe he is true. He is not a teacher, a prophet, a mere leader of a religious movement, but we believe He is the Son of […]