I want to give you about 5 minutes to read the verses on the handout. What should a church be about? I’ve been racking my brain for an analogy for church and two came to mind. One is a Tootsie Roll lollipop in reverse. You know a tootie roll lollipop – hard candy exterior and […]
Easter: 1 Cor 15 (pt3 of 3)
But we celebrate Easter Sunday because death is not the end. There is a second Adam. And this Adam was not born from the dust. His birthplace was heaven. He is the Son of God and this second Adam took on human flesh to die for our sins and to be raised in 3 days, […]
Easter: 1 Cor 15 (pt2 of 3)
But death was not the end. v26 — 1 Cor 15 26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death. Christ destroyed the last enemy, death. Why is that important? Have you ever been bullied growing up? The big kid in the playground during recess terrorizes you day after day. And you live in constant […]
1 Cor 8-14: Love Builds Up (pt3 of 3)
Third, love is self-limiting because we ourselves are prone to stumbling. 1 Cor 10:23-24. 1 Cor 10 23 “Everything is permissible”—but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible”—but not everything is constructive. 24 Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others. Not everything is constructive. Not everything builds up. In fact, many […]
1 Cor 8-14: Love Builds Up (pt2 of 3)
Second, love is self-limiting because we want to be careful not to stumble others. This is an extension of the first point. In order to build someone up, we need to consider how our actions affect others. That involves limiting our freedom. If all we care about is ourselves, then we won’t consider our actions […]
1 Cor 8-14: Love Builds Up (pt1 of 3)
Many students are away on spring break so I guess for those who are still here, your parents don’t love you because they’d rather you not visit? Well, we are family so we are happy that a bunch are still with us. Please turn with me to 1 Cor 8:1-3. [Let’s pray together. Pray for […]