Read text. I found this text to be very challenging and relevant for our congregation so I am going to spend 3 weeks on this passage. The key idea I want to focus on over the 3 weeks is found in the latter half of v13. The Lord for the Body – in a nutshell, […]
1 Corinthians 6:1-11 – Repentance (pt3 of 3)
What then is repentance? One thing that repentance is not. Repentance is NOT feeling bad. You are living in a way that is contrary to the will of God, you know what you are doing is not right, but you feel bad. That’s not enough. That’s not repentance. That is just someone who is interested […]
1 Corinthians 6:1-11 – Repentance (pt2 of 3)
Now, let’s take a look at this text and why Paul is bringing in this idea of the future kingdom with this lawsuit at Corinth. 1 If any of you has a dispute with another, dare he take it before the ungodly for judgment instead of before the saints? 2 Do you not know that […]
1 Corinthians 6:1-11 – Repentance (pt1 of 3)
I want to talk about repentance. What does it mean in v9 when it says the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? To answer that, let’s set the stage. One brother is taking another brother to court. We read about it in v6. There is some wrongdoing. The specifics of the lawsuit are […]
1 Cor 1:4-9 – Thanksgiving Sunday: Why Should We Be Thankful (pt 3 of 3)
Paul had 101 reasons to be ungrateful if he looked at his circumstances. Paul would have thrown in the towel if he fixed his attention upon the sins at Corinth. But here in v8-9, there is a spiritual key to being a thankful person. 8 He will keep you strong to the end, so that […]
1 Cor 1:4-9 – Thanksgiving Sunday: Why Should We Be Thankful (pt 2 of 3)
I think knowing the context changes everything. What he writes here is shocking. 4 I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. I always thank God for who? Who is he thankful for? For the Corinthians. Did he write this letter and mail it to the wrong address? […]