I want to introduce some tools for our toolbox when we are forced to deal with matters of church discipline. 1) The first tool is encouragement. It’s when you are prompted by the Holy Spirit to offer a word of encouragement. I think this tool has to be the most widely used. This is a […]
1 Corinthians 5 – Church Discipline (pt 1 of 4)
Today, we are going to study the same passage we did last week. 1 Corinthians 5. Last week, we talked about spiritual blindness because the church at Corinth is one prime example of a church that was groping in the darkness. They were boasting about their brand of spirituality while one of their members was […]
1 Cor 5 – Spiritual Blindness (pt 4 of 4)
5) Assuming that you agree that we are quite susceptible to blindness, how did we become blind in the first place and what perpetuates blindness? I think the answer to that is quite simple. Like the Corinthians, we become blind when we depart from the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. And for us, that departure […]
1 Cor 5 – Spiritual Blindness (pt 3 of 4)
4) How are we blind today? That’s been my prayer this week–Lord, show me my blindness, show us our corporate blindness, show Christians in America our collective blind spots. We all have blind spots. You have them. I have them. Every ethnicity has its blind spots. As a Korean American, I have blind spots that […]
1 Cor 5 – Spiritual Blindness (pt 2 of 4)
3) For the Corinthians, what was the result of their blindness? Now we get into the specifics of Apostle Paul’s rebuke to this church. 1 It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that does not occur even among pagans: A man has his father’s wife. 2 And […]
1 Cor 5 – Spiritual Blindness (pt1 of 4)
Hope you had a good week. We had a great retreat last weekend and I trust that God is continuing to bear fruit in your life as you get into His Word individually and in groups of 2 and 3. I know one brother at least is memorizing Scripture starting from 1 Corinthians, another is […]