You may be asking yourself, how do I know if I am worshiping God or worshiping some other idol? The answer to that is rather simple. If idols affect our thinking and our actions, then those are the areas we need to examine.
Your actions reveal what you really believe (Part 3 of 5)
First, futile thinking, or darkened hearts, or depraved mind — these are all ways of saying the same thing — wrong thinking. In other words, believing a lie.
Your actions reveal what you really believe (Part 2 of 5)
If it’s so obvious that we ought to be worshiping God, then why do so few people realize that this is the most essential thing? It’s because we have been lied to. From the moment we are born, we are taught that this physical world is all there is. And we feel we need to […]
Your actions reveal what you really believe (Part 1 of 5)
Today, I want to continue our study through the book of Romans and speak on the topic of worship. In my last sermon, I talked about the importance of fixing our eyes on Jesus. He is the only essential thing that ultimately matters and all other non-essentials from our past, present and future need to […]
The righteous will live by faith (Part 3 of 3)
1) The unrighteous will live by self-interest. 2) The self-righteous will live by judgment and defensiveness. 3) The righteous will live by faith. 3) The righteous will live by faith The righteous part makes sense. We are made righteous, not by what we do, salvation is not something that can be earned. Rather, we are […]
The righteous will live by faith (Part 2 of 3)
1) The unrighteous will live by self-interest. 2) The self-righteous will live by judgment and defensiveness. 3) The righteous will live by faith. 2) The self-righteous will live by judgment and defensiveness. I think there are 2 kinds of self-righteous people. SELF-righteous, meaning I rely on myself to be righteous. It’s my religion, its my […]