What are the similarities and differences between Jairus’ daughter and the bleeding woman?
Mark 5 – Are you a nobody? (Part 2 of 3)
Continuing from Mark 5, I’d like you to put yourself in Jairus’ shoes – what is your reaction when you hear that your daughter is dying? Have you had this type of experience before? This daughter of this important synagogue ruler is dying. When you hear those words — my little girl is dying — […]
Mark 5 – Are you a nobody? (Part 1 of 3)
Are you a nobody? That’s a mean question. But isn’t that how the world categorizes most people? You’re either a somebody or you’re a nobody. It’s as simple as that.
Mark 4: Why does Jesus speak in parables? (Part 3 of 3)
So far, we talked about how God veils himself because he does not want to overwhelm us and make us believe, but he is creating space for us to seek God and respond on our own. Along those same lines, we also talked about how Jesus spoke in parables because he wanted to reveal the […]
Mark 4: Why does Jesus speak in parables? (Part 2 of 3)
Jesus speaks in parables because he is veiling himself and giving us a chance to respond without coercion, but rather in voluntary love and surrender. But there is another reason why Jesus speaks in parables. Here is an excerpt from Mark 4 — 9Then Jesus said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” […]
Mark 4: Why does Jesus speak in parables? (Part 1 of 3)
In the past couple of weeks, I hope you have noticed a trend that religious people totally missed Jesus. Those who were diligent in studying the scriptures missed Jesus because religion had become a major sin, a roadblock in recognizing Jesus for who he was. Now in this chapter, we see how even Jesus’ own […]