One of Satan’s tactics is to cause us to focus on non-essential, peripheral things. Acts 20:25-38 – During Paul’s tearful farewell with the Ephesian elders, Paul warns them about keeping guard against those who distort the truth. In fact, some of the chief offenders who will end up distorting the truth will come from their […]
Acts 10-20: Clash of 2 Kingdoms (Part 1 of 4)
Acts 19-8-9. Paul is converted in Acts 9 and then 10 chapters later, the message has spread to the point that their religion is known as the WAY, and they publicly maligned these weirdos. Jesus called himself the way, the truth, the life and now those who followed Christ were called “Christians” (or mini-Christs) at […]
Acts 9 – Valentine's Day – Suffering Love
What is love? Finding my true love has been my lifelong journey. Growing up as an impressionable kids in the 80s, an era where romance was king, I thought true love was found in romance. It’s Valentine’s Day and I have been married for 10 years and I have 3 kids. And over the years, […]
Acts 9 – Why Should I Repent?
Today, we will cover Acts 9 and Saul’s conversion experience, his very first repentance, from which the great Apostle Paul was birthed. We will see that this story serves as a good model for regular, continuous repentance, not just a single, dramatic salvation moment. Specifically, we’ll explore the connection between how we act or fail […]
Acts 8 – Things Are Not What They Seem
I want to talk about living a life of faith vs. living a life by sight. And in particular, we’ll be looking at 2 characters found in this chapter – Simon the Sorcerer and Philip. Last week, we studied Stephen being martyred. Now this week in the very next chapter, the church is under persecution […]
Acts 5 – It's Not About Looks: Cultivating God-consciousness (Part 2 of 2)
Acts 5 – “It’s Not About Looks: Cultivating God-consciousness” Q1: Describe the mentality of Ananias and Sapphira. Why they did what they did? What were they hoping to gain? What is their practical theology? Q2: How are you like Ananias and Sapphira? Q3: Why doesn’t God strike people dead in modern times like he did […]