Text: Zeph 1-3; Rom 8 Summary: Worship means to bow down. If you resolve never to bow down to anything in creation, and instead, to bow down only to your Creator, then you can become more than a conqueror.
Pause, Repent and Learn
Text: Habakkuk 1-3 Summary: Pause. Repent of your soulishness. And learn how to live by faith.
Jesus’ Life Matters
Text: Amos 5:13, 5:24, 7:7; Matt 6:33, 7:1-5, 24:12, 26:51-52; James 1:19-20; Eph 6:12; Jude 1:8-10; John 6:15, 6:48-71, 8:32 Summary: Silence is not violence. Silence is prudence. Pray, don’t post. Lastly, Jesus is the real “liberation theology.”
Transcript – Daily Prayers that Reach Heaven as a Pleasing Aroma
Text: Joel 2:12-14; Rev 5:8 Summary: Here are 3 daily prayers that are sure to reach heaven as a pleasing aroma. I surrender, Lord. I repent, Lord. I want to meet you, Lord. Joel 212 “Yet even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; […]
Daily Prayers that Reach Heaven as a Pleasing Aroma
Text: Joel 2:12-14; Rev 5:8 Summary: Here are 3 daily prayers that are sure to reach heaven as a pleasing aroma. I surrender, Lord. I repent, Lord. I want to meet you, Lord.
Transcript – Jesus, the Bright Morning Star
Text: Rev 22:16-21 Summary: The real battle is between the true Light and the counterfeit light. The best way to ensure that you and I won’t be deceived by an antichrist is to know the true Christ. Father, we give you praise. We pray, Lord, that you would meet us. We pray that you would […]