Text: 1 Tim 2:8-15 Thesis: Family and the local church – 2 tools in our sanctification Sanctification = fancy term = be more like Jesus 1 Tim 2 – how gender roles play out in our corporate worship 1 Tim 3 (next week) – qualifications for church leadership Mirroring between physical family and church family […]
Book of 1 Timothy: Demonic Deception and the Fight for True Doctrine
Sermon Outline Intro Testimony – fight when I was in the first or second grade – living in NY, part of Filipino gang – I ran Taekwondo tournament – I got kicked in the face 1 Tim 6:12 Fight the good fight for the faith Take hold of it We are in a fight for […]
Acts 9: Supernatural Christianity?
Stream from mobile phone: [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://hillcc.org/sermons/SWS022314.mp3″] Stream from PC: [audio:http://hillcc.org/sermons/SWS022314.mp3] Sermon Notes On the beach, you sometimes pick up a crab thinking it’s alive, but realize that it’s just the shell that’s been discarded by birds. Have we removed the substance of Christian life and given only the shell? Have we gutted the Spirit out […]
2 Thess 2: Scare the Hell Out of You (pt3 of 3)
To show just how imbalanced the final battle will be on the Day of the Lord, let’s read 2 Thess 2:8 [READ]. What will the Final Battle look like? Well, it’s not much of a battle. The Lord Jesus will destroy him with what? With the breath of His mouth. A little puff of air. […]
2 Thess 2: Scare the Hell Out of You (pt2 of 3)
2 Thess 2:3 [READ] The first thing that needs to happen before the Day of the Lord is the apostasy. Apostasy means rebellion or a leaving from a previous standing. Or a falling away from the truth by those who once held it. That’s number one. The second thing that needs to happen before the […]
2 Thess 2: Scare the Hell Out of You (pt1 of 3)
Text: 2 Thess 2:1-12 We are going to finish 2 Thessalonians today in a single message because this second letter to the church at Thessalonica is very similar to the first letter. As the title suggests, I have one objective today. I want to scare the hell out of you. We don’t talk much about […]