We mustn’t forget that Paul is human. Think about how discouraged Paul must have been thinking about Corinth. When you get a chance, re-read 2 Corinthians, esp. those who are considering a life in the ministry. Look at the heartache of a man who put his heart on the table only to have the congregation […]
1 Thessalonians 5: Be Serious in Your FAITH, Hope and Love (pt2 of 3)
At Thessalonica, in particular, the persecution was very severe and so his stay was cut short. Let’s read Acts 17:1-4 [READ]. Thessalonica was the most important city in Macedonia. It was a city like Washington, D.C. or New York. Like he often did, when Paul first went into a city for missions, he started at […]
1 Thessalonians 5: Be Serious in Your FAITH, Hope and Love (pt1 of 3)
Text: 1 Thess 5:1-11 It’s weird for me to be back up here after sitting in the pew last week. I was just starting to get used to simply listening and being blessed by the Word. Again, I thank Brother Matthew for preaching last week, and I can assure you, as God is my witness, […]
Vision 2014: Hearts Ablaze (pt3 of 3)
For those who will join me in reading 3, 5, 10 chapters or more of Scripture this year, I want to give you a lens that I think will help you stay motivated and give you a good framework so that you don’t get lost in the details, esp. as you read the Old Testament. […]
Vision 2014: Hearts Ablaze (pt2 of 3)
Besides the time commitment, another big reservation you may have is, okay, suppose I read 10 chapters a day in 30 minutes, I won’t understand anything I read. This is a legitimate concern. If you are like me, you’re used to reading 10 verses a day instead of 10 chapters a day. And your goal […]
Vision 2014: Hearts Ablaze (pt1 of 3)
Text: Luke 24:13-32 Happy New Year! At the beginning of the year, many churches come up with a vision statement. A vision, a focus, a goal for 2014. In some ways, it’s kind of a like doing resolutions. Many people come up with resolutions, things they want to do differently as they enter the new […]