If God’s desire is for us to stay connected to Jesus so that you can continue to be nourished and grow spiritually, what do you think Satan’s desire is? Isn’t it quite obvious? Satan will do everything in his power to get you and me to let go of Jesus and to make something else […]
Colossians 2: Don’t Lose Your Head (pt1 of 3)
Text: Col 2:1-23 Last week, we spent most of our time on one verse. Col 1:18 [READ] If you recall, the main point of last Sunday’s sermon was rather simple–Jesus is first place. We worked our way backward through v18. First, as a summary statement, we read that Jesus is first place in everything. Next, […]
Colossians 1: Jesus is First Place (pt3 of 3)
Now let’s bring it altogether. Jesus is first in the church, he’s the head of the church, he is first period, he’s the beginning, he’s first over creation as well as first in the new creation. Finally, what does it mean for Jesus to have first place in everything practically in your life and mine? […]
Colossians 1: Jesus is First Place (pt2 of 3)
There is something not right when someone fails to trace things back to their Creator and they act as if they just popped into existence. As if they created themselves. There is something right and beautiful when a concert master performs Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto in D major at Carnegie Hall and afterward, amidst the roaring […]
Colossians 1: Jesus is First Place (pt1 of 3)
Text: Col 1:15-23 Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Our house was packed on Thanksgiving Day for dinner. And of course, with any Thanksgiving meal, the highlight is the turkey. Sophia and Jarvis graciously offered to cook the turkey and I must say that it was one of the tastiest turkeys I have eaten in […]
Col 1 – Two Reasons to be Thankful (pt3 of 3)
Why would Jesus create angels knowing that some of them would fall and constitute the thrones and dominions and rulers and authorities led ultimately by a fallen angel known as Satan? Why would He create man, knowing that we would fall at the hands of Satan whom He created in the first place? Take any […]