Three levels of joy: the joy of ministry, a deeper joy that are names are written in heaven, and the deepest joy of relating to a Person.
Christmas Happens When Faith is Born (Luke 2)
Christmas reminds us that what we really need are moments when true faith is born.
Revelation 10-18: Choose Today Whom You Will Serve
In light of the Tribulation, Armageddon, the coming of Christ and the End of the world, we are faced with a choice between 2 sides.
Revelation 9: Mercy Wrapped Up in Wrath
During the Tribulation, God’s wrath seems incompatible with a God of love. Listen how even in the midst of God’s wrath, we can find mercy.
Revelation 7-8: If You’re Saved, You’re Sealed
Today, we cover the identity of the 144,000 sealed in Revelation 7, the timing of the rapture/tribulation in light of the coming of Christ and the role of suffering for the believer.
Thanksgiving Service: On Earth as It is in Heaven (Matt 6)
Thankful for the Lord’s Prayer and how He has become our Father in heaven.