Overall, this is an encouraging letter to the Thessalonians, but you can’t miss the fact that Paul is admonishing some of the members and perhaps even some of the leaders of this church. Who is he admonishing? The irresponsible. How are they being irresponsible? They were being irresponsible when it came to their money and […]
1 Thessalonians: Financial Responsibility and Time Management in the Last Days (pt1 of 3)
Text: 1 Thess 5:12-24 How would you feel if you got home and you realized that you were burglarized? The door was broken in. Things were knocked over. There were broken pieces everywhere. Your TV is gone and your laptop and your jewelry, anything and everything of value was taken. How would you feel? You’d […]
1 Thessalonians 5: Be Serious in Your FAITH, Hope and Love (pt3 of 3)
We mustn’t forget that Paul is human. Think about how discouraged Paul must have been thinking about Corinth. When you get a chance, re-read 2 Corinthians, esp. those who are considering a life in the ministry. Look at the heartache of a man who put his heart on the table only to have the congregation […]
1 Thessalonians 5: Be Serious in Your FAITH, Hope and Love (pt2 of 3)
At Thessalonica, in particular, the persecution was very severe and so his stay was cut short. Let’s read Acts 17:1-4 [READ]. Thessalonica was the most important city in Macedonia. It was a city like Washington, D.C. or New York. Like he often did, when Paul first went into a city for missions, he started at […]
1 Thessalonians 5: Be Serious in Your FAITH, Hope and Love (pt1 of 3)
Text: 1 Thess 5:1-11 It’s weird for me to be back up here after sitting in the pew last week. I was just starting to get used to simply listening and being blessed by the Word. Again, I thank Brother Matthew for preaching last week, and I can assure you, as God is my witness, […]
Vision 2014: Hearts Ablaze (pt3 of 3)
For those who will join me in reading 3, 5, 10 chapters or more of Scripture this year, I want to give you a lens that I think will help you stay motivated and give you a good framework so that you don’t get lost in the details, esp. as you read the Old Testament. […]