Happy early Thanksgiving! I am thankful today for many reasons. I have 5 reasons I am thankful today. The first 3 are easy to remember because they begin with the letter “T.” “T” for Thanksgiving. 3 T’s for why I am thankful. First T: Turkeys. I am thankful for turkeys. Turkeys all around the world […]
Colossians 1: What is God’s Will for Your Life? (pt3 of 3)
This gets back to what I shared earlier from Col 1:9-10. What is the will of God for all the saints here? To walk worthy of the Lord. How do we walk in this type of worthy manner? By living in a way that is fully pleasing to Him. And what pleases Him? The second […]
Colossians 1: What is God’s Will for Your Life? (pt2 of 3)
Is this how we should think of the gospel? If we do, we will be making a grave, grave mistake. Fruit comes from the gospel. Fruit, not just in terms of salvation, but fruit in all aspects of the Christian life and maturity. We see this in Paul’s letters. For example, Galatians talks about the […]
Colossians 1: What is God’s Will for Your Life? (pt1 of 3)
Text: Col 1:1-14 We are beginning our study through the book of Colossians. I have been waiting to teach this book for a while because it’s one of my favorites. In particular, the second half of Col 1 is one of the most beautiful, most profound sections in all of Scripture. It would serve us […]
One Year Anniversary of Hill Community Church
Welcome to the Hill. We are so happy you could join us on this joyous occasion. This might not be conventional, but I want to start by telling a joke. What do you get when you have two Caucasian pastors, an African American pastor, a Filipino American pastor and a Korean American pastor gathered in […]
Philippians 4: Finding Contentment in Christ (pt3 of 3)
Acts 16:25-34 [READ]. This scene is amazing to me. Paul and Silas had just been beaten by a mob. Then, they got sent to the inner prison and probably got tortured by this Roman jailer. And while they were beaten, bruised and bleeding, what were they doing? They were praying and singing hymns to God. […]