If the priority is right, v21 – living is Christ, then you can talk about v27. Phil 1 27 Just one thing: Live your life in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. If I were to combine v21 and v27, my paraphrase would be this. Living is Christ, now that you got the […]
Phil 1 – Just One Thing (pt1 of 3)
Text: Phil 1:27-30 The title for this sermon is “Just One Thing.” Last week, we talked about being a gospel partner. If you really believe in the gospel, then you will give your life in service of the gospel. The main point last week was to be a gospel partner. The text was Phil 1:21-26. […]
Phil 1: Become a Gospel Partner (pt3 of 3)
Please turn with me to Acts 16. Let’s look at the conversion accounts of these 3 people: Lydia, the slave girl and the Roman jailer. I think we can glean some important principles regarding our approach when we are preaching the gospel to those around us. 1) Follow Jesus, not a plan. 2) God will […]
Phil 1: Become a Gospel Partner (pt2 of 3)
In addition to the theme of joy and rejoicing, there is one other theme that can be found throughout this letter. In terms of frequency, the second most prominent theme in Philippians is the gospel. To some who have been with me for a while, I might sound like a broken record, but the gospel […]
Phil 1: Become a Gospel Partner (pt1 of 3)
The title of today’s sermon is “Become a Gospel Partner.” Do you believe in the gospel? I mean, do you really believe? If so, how do you know if your belief is authentic? Belief in Jesus is never a private, personal matter. Belief in Jesus always leads to suffering for Jesus. Here, we’re not talking […]
Eph 5 – The Link Between Marriage, Christ and Church (pt3 of 3)
“One Flesh” 31 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This phrase, one flesh, refers to deep soul-level oneness. It’s not oil and vinegar, which just sits on top of each other when you mix them. Or, chocolate […]