Why is compassion important? Compassion is important simply because it’s important to God. If you don’t believe me, let me try to convince you. Here is just a small sampling of verses. Proverbs 14 21 “He who despises his neighbor sins, but blessed is he who is kind to the needy.” Prov 21 13 If […]
Matt 14 – Being Compassionate During the Holidays (pt1 of 3)
Christmas is coming, and for the college students, this is your last Sunday until next year. So I wanted to give you one final message going into the holiday season. Jackie calls me Scrooge because I really don’t care for Christmas. That sounds weird. How can a pastor not love the birthday of Jesus? That’s […]
Vision for the Church: Acts 2 (Summary)
What should a church be about? An analogy for church is the planet Jupiter. Hard, rocky core surrounded by swirling gases. Churches need a core that’s solid. Everything around it can be fluid. Programs can start and stop. Ministries can come and go. Methodologies can change depending on who you are trying to reach or […]
Matt 13 – Parables and the Kingdom of Heaven (pt3 of 3)
Another sign that you are a kingdom citizen: you are willing to give up everything to enter the kingdom of heaven. 44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought […]
Matt 13 – Parables and the Kingdom of Heaven (pt2 of 3)
What are they? What are some signs that you are a kingdom citizen? 1) You ask a lot of questions. 2) You are willing to give up everything to enter the kingdom. 3) You change. First sign that you are a kingdom citizen: you ask a lot of questions. Why do you ask questions? Because […]
Matt 13 – Parables and the Kingdom of Heaven (pt1 of 3)
Turn with me to Matthew 13. Keep it open. We’ll be covering most of the chapter. I want to talk about being a citizen in the kingdom of heaven. Most of us here are citizens of the United States of America. You are a citizen of this country because you were either born here or […]