But we celebrate Easter Sunday because death is not the end. There is a second Adam. And this Adam was not born from the dust. His birthplace was heaven. He is the Son of God and this second Adam took on human flesh to die for our sins and to be raised in 3 days, […]
Easter: 1 Cor 15 (pt2 of 3)
But death was not the end. v26 — 1 Cor 15 26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death. Christ destroyed the last enemy, death. Why is that important? Have you ever been bullied growing up? The big kid in the playground during recess terrorizes you day after day. And you live in constant […]
Easter: 1 Cor 15 (pt1 of 3)
Title: The Launch of Adam 2.0 (Death of a Bully) Happy Easter! Hallelujah, praise the Lord, the stone has been rolled away, death has been defeated, for Christ is risen! Amen? If you are visiting us, we welcome you in the Lord. If you are a familiar face, we are glad to have you back. […]
Good Friday (pt3 of 3)
Lord’s Supper Portion The Lord’s Supper is grounded in the Last Supper between Jesus and his disciples. During that final meal, Jesus instituted the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper. Let me read from John 13:26-30. John 13 26 Jesus answered, “It is the one to whom I will give this piece of bread when I […]
Good Friday (pt2 of 3)
I am always drawn to Peter. One moment, so self-confident. Jesus, I’ll never deny you. I’m ready to die for you. Then, the arrest and now Peter experiences a crisis of faith. He has to decide. Do I follow through with my commitment or do I run away like the rest? Peter, to his credit, […]
Good Friday (pt1 of 3)
Welcome to Life Baptist Church, or shall I say the first annual FBC/LBC joint Good Friday Service. Maybe next year, Pastor Smith will lead. We can alternate, take turns? All that to say, it doesn’t matter who’s in front. We are all one body in Christ and we are happy that you are here. Starting […]