What are the similarities and differences between Jairus’ daughter and the bleeding woman?
Mark 5 – Are you a nobody? (Part 2 of 3)
Continuing from Mark 5, I’d like you to put yourself in Jairus’ shoes – what is your reaction when you hear that your daughter is dying? Have you had this type of experience before? This daughter of this important synagogue ruler is dying. When you hear those words — my little girl is dying — […]
Mark 5 – Are you a nobody? (Part 1 of 3)
Are you a nobody? That’s a mean question. But isn’t that how the world categorizes most people? You’re either a somebody or you’re a nobody. It’s as simple as that.
Memorial Service: A Place Called Home
Life is frail. We live each day by the grace of God. Time is short to love.
The Seven Post-Resurrection Sayings of Christ (Part 7 of 7)
Now I’d like to briefly go over the 5 main post-resurrection appearances where there is record of Jesus having said something. The four that I mentioned earlier — Mary Magdelene, Cleopas and the other disciple on their way to Emmaus, Thomas and Peter — and a fifth appearance to the Eleven disciples that we’ll exclude […]
The Seven Post-Resurrection Sayings of Christ (Part 6 of 7)
SLIDE 6: CHRISTIANITY AS A REASONABLE FAITH – Women’s testimony – Incredible cohesion across centuries and dozens of writers – Historic, public nature of the crucifixion and post-resurrection appearances – No collaboration or conspiracy – Ring of truth