Opponents of Christianity argue that these discrepancies discredit their testimony. Then, what are the alternatives?
The Seven Post-Resurrection Sayings of Christ (Part 4 of 7)
SLIDE 5: Reality is Messy – My jury duty experience – What are alternatives methods that God could have chosen to reveal his truth to us? To address this, I want to share about my jury duty experience this past week. I’ve shown up to court before to serve for jury duty but this is […]
The Seven Post-Resurrection Sayings of Christ (Part 3 of 7)
SLIDE 4 – Why hasn’t this been studied? – Difficulty to reconcile the facts – See table below that maps a post-resurrection saying to an appearance First Post-Resurrection Saying – Why are you crying, Who are you looking for?
The Seven Post-Resurrection Sayings of Christ (Part 2 of 7)
Here is a quick survey — – How many people normally spend time thinking about the resurrection more than once a – year during an Easter service? – How many people have spent time studying the accounts that cover this 50 day period after the crucifixion and leading up to Pentecost? – How many people […]
The Seven Post-Resurrection Sayings of Christ (Part 1 of 7)
I am going to share about 4 accounts and I’d like to open it up to anyone who thinks they can determine a common thread between these four accounts. HIGH LEVEL SUMMARY First Post-Resurrection Saying – Why are you crying, Who are you looking for? Appeared to: Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb (Mary, mother […]
Mark 4: Why does Jesus speak in parables? (Part 3 of 3)
So far, we talked about how God veils himself because he does not want to overwhelm us and make us believe, but he is creating space for us to seek God and respond on our own. Along those same lines, we also talked about how Jesus spoke in parables because he wanted to reveal the […]