Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Mark 10:17-31 Jesus came to save impossible sinners, namely the rich; so with your free will, choose Him.
What is Jesus Worth to You? (Matt 26)
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Matthew 26:1-16 For Mary of Bethany, her extravagant act of worship to prepare Jesus for His burial was the culmination of a life of worship where she sat at His feet.
Live for Jesus (Matt 25)
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Matthew 25:31-46 In light of final judgment, don’t be a goat; instead, be a sheep and live for Jesus.
Reject Darkness and Come to the Light (John 3)
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: John 3:16-21 Nicodemus was different from the vast majority of Pharisees because he did not love the darkness while most of his peers did. Those who love the darkness hate the light. Do you love Jesus more than you love the darkness?
Humble Yourself and Let Jesus Be Your Instructor (Matt 23)
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Matt 23:1-12 Humility is a choice. You have to decide to humble yourself and admit that I need to start over and learn from Someone how to live life properly. For those who humble themselves, Jesus will be your primary Instructor for the rest of your life.
How Do We Endure to the End? (Matt 24)
Preacher: Pastor Ray We will endure to the end by overcoming deception and loving Jesus. Text: Matt 24:1-14 Sermon Notes