Preacher: Pastor Ray Our country is divided. Angry protests. Fear. Confusion. Where do we go from here now that Donald Trump is soon to be our 45th President? Does the Bible have anything to say? Listen as the Apostle Peter speaks a fresh word with surprising relevance to Christians living in America today. Sermon […]
Job: The Wisdom of God Revealed
Preacher: Pastor Ray The question running through the book of Job is why — specifically, why is Job suffering? In anger, God finally speaks to Job and Job’s friends. In the aftermath, Job repents. Job’s friends repent. But the reason for Job’s suffering is not given. Instead, Job receives a different kind of wisdom […]
James 5: The Lord is Compassionate and Merciful
Preacher: Pastor Ray James 5:11 mentions Job and how the Lord is compassionate and merciful. When you think of Job, are the Lord’s compassion and mercy the first things that come to mind? Could the Lord have somebody else in mind (in addition to Job, of course)? The book of James helps us to […]
Elihu: A Case Study in Anger, Arrogance and Judgment (Job 32, James 1)
Preacher: Pastor Ray Is Elihu a flawed prophet or a false prophet? Do his flaws disqualify him from speaking as God’s representative who provides wise counsel into Job’s situation? What can we learn from this enigmatic person who draws some truthful conclusions about Job regarding his sin while also falsely accusing him? Listen and […]
Job 28: The Wisdom of Job
Preacher: Pastor Ray In this book, Job spoke over 500 verses. Job’s wife spoke one verse (2 lines). His 3 friends combined spoke over 200 verses. Elihu, an uninvited spectator of their back and forth exchange, lashes out angrily at Job as well as his 3 friends and speaks about 165 verses. Who is […]
James: A Framework to Understand the Life of Job
Preacher: Pastor Ray The book of James, famous for the idea that faith without works is dead, can read like a list of things that need to be done. Today, we make the case that James provides a framework for understanding the life of Job. Listen as we try to derive some spiritual principles […]