Preacher: Pastor Ray Listen as we prayerfully review our recent sermons from John 13-17.
John 16: The Problem of Fatherlessness
Preacher: Pastor Ray Listen as we explore how our relationship with our earthly fathers often colors how we view our Heavenly Father.
John 16: A Realistic Portrait of the Christian Life
Preacher: Pastor Ray At the end of John 15 and transitioning to John 16, Jesus paints a very realistic portrait of the Christian life. Does what Jesus say in this section match what you envision for your life?
John 15-16: The Dual Ministry of the Holy Spirit
Preacher: Pastor Ray The Holy Spirit is the least familiar Person of the Trinity. Why was the Holy Spirit sent and what did He accomplish? Does the Holy Spirit minister in the same way to the believer and to the non-believer (i.e. the “world”)? Listen as we attempt to answer these questions.
John 15: Go and Bear Fruit
Preacher: Pastor Ray What kind of fruit is Jesus asking us to go and bear to the world in John 15:16? Is it primarily external ministry fruit or is it internal? How you answer will shape your Christian life.
John 15: The Difference between a Slave and a Friend
Preacher: Pastor Ray What’s the difference between a slave and a friend of Jesus? In one word — discernment. A slave doesn’t know what the Master (Father God) is doing while a friend of Jesus does.