Preacher: Pastor Ray The Holy Spirit came in power during the first Pentecost. Listen as we discuss why we still need the Holy Spirit today. Discussion Questions Here are 5 reasons why we should consider the Holy Spirit today: 1) The Holy Spirit is God 2) Pentecost was a historical event 3) Jesus told us […]
Psalm 3: The Lord is My Shield and Salvation
Psalm 3 was a prayer written by David, a man after God’s heart, who seems to be losing his way. He committed murder and adultery and now he has hit rock bottom as Absalom, his own son, is trying to kill him. CORRECTION: Hushai was not someone who “flipped” to Absalom’s side. He was sent […]
Psalm 1-2: Choose the Blessed Life Every Moment
Psalm 1 depicts 2 paths–the path of the wicked and the path of the righteous. Listen as we discuss the blessed path of the righteous. The choice is yours. Discussion Questions The book of Psalms is divided into 5 sub-books and these sub-books mirror the Pentateuch: Book 1 – Genesis, Book 2 – Exodus, Book […]
Intro to the Psalms: Seeing Jesus in the OT
Moses went up the mountain to meet God. He was a real Christian. The rest were BS (Bottom of Sinai) Christians. The book of Psalm is divided up into 5 smaller books, which were not assembled in chronological order. For example, the first psalm chronologically is Psalm 90 (written by Moses). Psalm 1-41 – Book […]
Book of Habakkuk: Yet, I Will Quietly Wait and Rejoice
When we pray to the Lord, He may respond immediately, or He may take a long time to respond, or He may never give an answer. The life of Habakkuk demonstrates a life of prayer and how to dialogue with the Lord while waiting patiently and rejoicing in Him. Discussion Questions – What’s the goal […]
Easter 2015: Heart Burn
At the crucifixion and in the days that immediately followed, there were 3 groups of people: 1) passive spectators, 2) discouraged insiders and 3) passionate followers. Listen to how the resurrected Jesus spoke to two men on the Emmaus Road to turn them into passionate followers.