Here is a compelling interview of a Harvard Law Professor, whose faith in God, has helped him cope with the effects of cancer. You can see the full interview here. I’ve included some excerpts below. Have your experiences led you to think differently about the relationship between the body and the spirit? Christians sometimes behave […]
LeBron James, king of his own world
Here is an article written by Roland S. Martin, a CNN political analyst. He raises some interesting points. (CNN) — LeBron James is a grown man who made a grownup decision to take his massive basketball-playing ability from Cleveland to Miami in a desire to get the one thing every true baller desires: the opportunity […]
When did God become a sports fan?
Here is a light read from CNN. I think it is relevant because many times we assume that when good things happen, God is on our side and blessing us and when bad things happen, God is against us and punishing us, or worse, forgetting about us. God has been showing me recently, it’s not […]
After 16 years in prison, a whole new world (or is it?)
Here is an article from CNN that I read a little more than a month ago. It’s about about a man who in 1993 was wrongly placed in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. He was 31 years old. Now, 16 years later, he is 47 years old and free. The article focuses on […]
10 Years after the Bubble Burst, Air is Still Leaking
Remember Netscape? How about Or Here is an article which highlights the biggest successes and failures among the biggest names in the world in the past 25 years. When I graduated from college in the late nineties, the economy was booming. Dot.coms were all the rage. I graduated as an anthropology major […]
The National Day of Unplugging and the Sabbath Manifesto
Reboot, a nonprofit organization aimed at reinventing the traditions and rituals of Judaism for today’s secular Jews, is composed of internet entrepreneurs, creators of award-winning television shows, community organizers and nonprofit leaders. These “Rebooters” are people who typically have their cell phones glued to their palms. Several of them go so far as to say […]