I don’t believe in accidents in God’s kingdom. You could call it a coincidence, but I think it was a divine appointment that I happened to click on a facebook link posted by another church planter, Pastor PJ of Crossview in LA. And halfway through watching this video, it dawned on me, hey, I know […]
Francis Chan: The American Church is pretty stoppable
My reflection: In my opinion, Francis is a modern day prophet. We are followers of Jesus, not followers of church. If we are following Jesus and genuine followers of Jesus gather together, then you have church. You can’t have it the other way around. You can’t say follow church and assume you have a group […]
1 Thessalonians: Financial Responsibility and Time Management in the Last Days (pt3 of 3)
If I said Jesus is coming back exactly a year from now, January 26, 2015–what kind of effect would this kind of false prophecy have on you, the listeners? If you took this prophecy seriously, some of you might say, forget school, or forget work. The same thing happens when people hear the news, you […]
1 Thessalonians: Financial Responsibility and Time Management in the Last Days (pt2 of 3)
Overall, this is an encouraging letter to the Thessalonians, but you can’t miss the fact that Paul is admonishing some of the members and perhaps even some of the leaders of this church. Who is he admonishing? The irresponsible. How are they being irresponsible? They were being irresponsible when it came to their money and […]
1 Thessalonians: Financial Responsibility and Time Management in the Last Days (pt1 of 3)
Text: 1 Thess 5:12-24 How would you feel if you got home and you realized that you were burglarized? The door was broken in. Things were knocked over. There were broken pieces everywhere. Your TV is gone and your laptop and your jewelry, anything and everything of value was taken. How would you feel? You’d […]
The King in His Beauty: Tom Schreiner on His New Biblical Theology
This article was posted on the Gospel Coalition website. Really good book if you are trying to get deeper in the Word. In the closing chapter of the Bible, faith vanishes into sight and the “age of the ear” yields to the “age of the eye” as God’s people see his face (Rev. 22:4). Isaiah’s […]