Bill Watterson, the writer and artist behind Calvin and Hobbes, had this piece of advice for college students. If you prefer, you can read the quote below in comic book style here. “Creating a life that reflects your values and satisfies your soul is a rare achievement. In a culture that relentlessly promotes avarice and […]
Resources: Overcoming Lust and Porn
I heard about these resources from my brother PJ. Now I commend them to you. An audio interview: Porn, Pride, and Praise: An Interview with Heath Lambert A blog post: 20 Quotes from Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace A book for sale on Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace
10 Real Reasons Pastors Quit Too Soon
Here is a list based on an article by Tim Sayge. Discouragement Failure Loneliness Moral Failure Financial Pressure Anger Burnout Physical Health Marriage/Family Problems Too Busy/Driven
Video: That Awkward Moment When You Try to Share Your Faith
Phil 1: Become a Gospel Partner (pt3 of 3)
Please turn with me to Acts 16. Let’s look at the conversion accounts of these 3 people: Lydia, the slave girl and the Roman jailer. I think we can glean some important principles regarding our approach when we are preaching the gospel to those around us. 1) Follow Jesus, not a plan. 2) God will […]
Phil 1: Become a Gospel Partner (pt2 of 3)
In addition to the theme of joy and rejoicing, there is one other theme that can be found throughout this letter. In terms of frequency, the second most prominent theme in Philippians is the gospel. To some who have been with me for a while, I might sound like a broken record, but the gospel […]