Many students are away on spring break so I guess for those who are still here, your parents don’t love you because they’d rather you not visit? Well, we are family so we are happy that a bunch are still with us. Please turn with me to 1 Cor 8:1-3. [Let’s pray together. Pray for […]
Rick Warren: Break Through These 3 Barriers to Growth
Here are three essentials for breaking through the barriers to church growth. You must develop an unshakable conviction about growth (Colossians 2:19). An opinion is something you’ll argue about; a conviction is something you’ll die for. You need to settle the issue that God wants his church to grow. All living things grow. If a […]
Marriage Sermon
Marriage is not like sod that you buy and roll out and you are good to go. Marriage is not like those fake flowers you buy from Ralph’s and put on your coffee table. Marriage takes a lot of work. Many wedding sermons that I have heard tend to be on the sappy, sentimental side […]
1 Cor 7:17-24 – Culture, Tradition, Vocation and Calling (pt3 of 3)
Let me conclude now with some practical implications. First, God is much more concerned with the way you do the job that you now have than he is with you finding a new job. We have in this congregation IT professionals, project managers, pharmacists, consultants, students, and many more. And what we all need to […]
1 Cor 7:17-24 – Culture, Tradition, Vocation and Calling (pt2 of 3)
So quick review. Let’s follow Paul’s argument – circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, dressing in our Sunday best is nothing and dressing down is nothing, but keeping God’s commandments is everything. Obeying God where you are is what counts. Paul is radically God-oriented. Everything, everything falls before the priority of God. Culture and […]
1 Cor 7:17-24 – Culture, Tradition, Vocation and Calling (pt1 of 3)
I want to bring your attention to 3 verses. Notice verse 17– 1 Cor 7 17 Nevertheless, each one should RETAIN the place in life that the Lord assigned to him and to which God has CALLED him.