I want to ask one final question — if it’s so obvious that Christians ought to build with imperishable materials — God and people — then why does it seem that so few build their lives in this way? The key is what I mentioned earlier — surrender. It is highly unlikely that you will […]
1 Cor 3:10-17, 9/11: Rebuilding from Ground Zero (pt 3 of 4)
But there is a second warning given here. v15 — 15 If it [which refers to your life’s work, if it…] is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames. Those who build using perishable materials will still be spared ultimate judgment as long […]
1 Cor 3:10-17, 9/11: Rebuilding from Ground Zero (pt 2 of 4)
If you recall, last week we saw a clip from Stanley Praimnath. He worked on the 84th floor of one of the WTC towers and he survived. He was a Christian, but this event made him think about how he was investing his life and he ended up becoming a pastor. Sister Jen shared with […]
1 Cor 3:10-17, 9/11: Rebuilding from Ground Zero (pt 1 of 4)
Today is part 2 in this series — 9/11: Rebuilding from Ground Zero. I am using Ground Zero as a metaphor for the examination of our spiritual foundations and starting over from the ground up. We first need to find out if we have Jesus as our foundation. Then we need to determine if we […]
1 Cor 3:10-17, Sermon on 10 Year Anniversary of 9/11 (pt 3 of 3)
1) God shakes up our foundations because he loves us. 2) God shakes up our foundations because he wants us to build the right foundation with the right attitude 10 By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one […]
1 Cor 3:10-17, Sermon on 10 Year Anniversary of 9/11 (pt 2 of 3)
Why does God shake up our foundations? Two reasons: 1) God shakes up our foundations because he loves us 2) God shakes up our foundations because he wants us to build the right foundation with the right attitude 9/11 – like I said, we were there in NYC when it happened. Jackie and I were […]