Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Psalm 16 Many spiritual truths such as joy, patience and contentment are often learned during the “night seasons” of life (Psalm 16:7). Thus, may you and I learn to submit to the God who has ordained these trials for our good.
Finding Contentment in Christ
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Psalm 16 + Ecclesiastes In order to find contentment in Christ, we need to first repent of our greed.
The Passionate Love of Jesus for His Bride
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Song of Solomon 2:2-17 Christianity is a divine romance where marriage and sexuality are pointers to a deep spiritual truth, which is, that Jesus passionately loves you and He wants you and I to passionately desire Him.
Thanksgiving Service (5th Anniversary)
We thank the Lord and give Him glory for all the wonderful testimonies we heard today. God is so good to us!
God’s Love: Full of Agape Love and Full of Phileo Love
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Rev 2:4-5; 3:19-22 God wants us to love Him the way He loves us — full of agape love and phileo love.
The One Thing Jesus is Looking for in His Church
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Revelation 2:1-7 Jesus is walking among His churches and He is looking for one thing — our love for Him.