Paul mentions this absurd view of baptism. Then he mentions the historical reality, namely that he baptized so few among them, thank goodness. And he did this ultimately in order to expose the folly of their allegiance to human leaders. 22 Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom. This mindset of choosing leaders […]
1 Cor 1:10-31 – Celebrity Christians vs. the Cross (pt 1 of 3)
Text: 1 Cor 1:10-31 I used to work for a in West Hollywood for about 4 years and during that span, I saw a bunch of celebrities: Ron Howard, Bill Murray, the Japanese character Hiro from the TV series Heroes, the cheerleader from Heroes, Baron Davis, the American Idol winner from 2-3 years ago, […]
Book Review: The Deliberate Church (Mark Dever)
The Deliberate Church After many people read “The Nine Marks of the Healthy Church,” they asked, if we realize that our church is unhealthy, what can be do concretely to become a healthy church? In his sequel, Mark Dever, pastor of Capital Hill Baptist Church, makes a point that everything that we do in the […]