Salt that Has Lost Its Taste
Reasons We Backslide
Audio file Text: Luke 14:25-27, 33-35 Summary: 3 reasons why we backslide and become salt that has lost its saltiness and become useless to the Master. 1) relationships, 2) stubborn will, and 3) possessions
Becoming a Soldier for Christ (Part 1)
Text: Matt 13:51-52; 2 Tim 2:1-7 Summary: To become a soldier for Christ, you and I must ask Jesus to disciple us. And learn from Him and listen to Him.
It’s Time to Get Our Heart in Shape
Text: Luke 6:37-49 Summary: When we are fully trained by Jesus, we will become just like Him. To act like Jesus, to speak like Jesus, to live like Jesus. Luke 6 lays a high standard. Loving an enemy is like entering the CrossFit championships. Let’s start with a beginner class – examining how we speak […]
The Essence of the Christian Life
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Luke 14:25-35 What is the essence of the Christian life, such that if you lose this essence, you are like salt that has lost its saltiness and is thrown away eternally?