Paul was powerful not only because he preached the same gospel wherever he went, but also because his way of life matched what he was preaching. When there is a close correlation between what a person says and how he lives, we refer to such a person as having integrity. If there is a large […]
1 Cor 4 – Church Leadership: Who Should I Imitate? (pt 3 of 4)
Okay, so that my long intro for what I really want to cover this morning. Paul says in v16, imitate me because I am your father in Christ. When it comes to discipleship, there are 2 extremes we should avoid. We should avoid–be just like me because I am your older and I am a […]
1 Cor 4 – Church Leadership: Who Should I Imitate? (pt 1 of 4)
Read 1 Cor 4:1-17 Today, I want to talk about leadership. Paul says in v16, imitate me because I am your father in Christ. And I want to answer the question, why should we imitate him? Who should we imitate today? What qualities should we look for? First of all, who is a leader? I […]
Rom 14-15: Building True Unity – The Nuts and Bolts of Church Life (pt3 of 3)
What about at a church level? What does judgment and gossip, mixed in with anger, do to a church? It divides people into various camps. In the church at Rome, you have Jewish Christians on one side judging the Gentile Christians. Imagine a conversation between two Jewish Christians, if you will. Can you believe sister […]
Henry Blackaby Devotional: Christian Discipleship
Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. (Colossians 1:28) Discipleship is personally transferring the full dimensions of your relationship with Christ to the person you are walking with. It is not the imparting of spiritual disciplines as much as […]
Find Your Elisha: Reflection from 1 Kings 19:1-21
I have heard many sermons on this text, specifically how God comes not in the wind, not in the earthquake, not in the fire, but in a gentle whisper. Elijah had experienced an amazing victory over the prophets of Baal, but the experience had left him exhausted and alone. And in his fatigue and loneliness, […]