Heb 13: Two Things Worthy of Imitation in Spiritual Leadership
1 Thess 5: Speak Carefully and Love Properly (pt1 of 3)
Have you ever said something, and as soon as you said it, you wished you could take it back? Like when I’m tired or stressed and I’m in a bad mood and let’s say Jackie and I are late for some important meeting, and I say, Jackie, why are you always late? Why are we […]
Book of Galatians – Teaching #3: Counterfeit Fruit vs. Real Fruit (pt3 of 3)
Next, we have faith or faithfulness. The better translation is faith because the word here is “pistis” which literally means faith, belief, trust, confidence, fidelity, a promise. It is similar to the pairing of goodness and kindness in that faith is internal and it leads to faithfulness externally. A prerequisite to faithfulness is faith. There […]
Book of Galatians – Teaching #1: Flesh vs. Fruit (pt3 of 3)
Let’s get to the heart of the matter. What issue is Paul referring to in Gal 2:4. To answer that, we need to read the preceding verse. Paul had a private meeting with the leaders at Galatia and that’s when the issue became apparent. Gal 2 3 But not even Titus who was with me, […]
Easter Sunday – Resurrection Faith: Just As He Said (Matt 28:1-10)
Main text: Matt 28:1-10 Happy Easter! He is risen. Did you know that every Sunday is a resurrection Sunday? When we gather for Sunday worship each and every week, we are gathering to celebrate His resurrection. Worship has to be the dominant flavor of our Sunday gathering. Because God so loved us, He loved us […]