For highly religious people like these Jewish Christians, they obeyed what they were good at. So they were good at regular attendance to the temple. They were good at tithing and giving the first fruits. They were good at knowing and memorizing Scripture. They were good at public prayer. They were good at fasting and […]
I Need Jesus Every Day, Every Moment (Part 2 of 6)
I had that kind of experience as a sophomore in college. I was a young, brash kid who thought I could do anything. So God had to put me in my place. One day, I was playing bball with some of my peers and this one friend named Randy kept on mentioning his youth director […]
I Need Jesus Every Day, Every Moment (Part 1 of 6)
Read Rom 2:17-29. We have been going through the book of Romans on the Sundays when I preach. The first sermon was from Rom 1 and the verse that says, the righteous will live by faith. I talked about the lens of faith and how the only essential thing from our past, present and the […]
Oswald Chambers Devotional: Beware of Staying Too Long on the Mount
“Jesus leadeth them up into a high mountain apart by themselves.” Mark 9:2 We have all had times on the mount, when we have seen things from God’s standpoint and have wanted to stay there; but God will never allow us to stay there. The test of our spiritual life is the power to descend; […]
Henry Blackaby Devotional: It is not Difficult!
For this commandment which I command you today is not too mysterious for you, nor is it far off. (Deuteronomy 30:1) The Christian life is not difficult. The same Christ who lived a perfect, obedient, and sinless life stands prepared to live it again through you (Gal. 2:20). God’s will is not hard to discern. […]
Oswald Chambers Devotional: The Rich Young Ruler, Renouncing Oneself
“One thing thou lackest: . . come, take up the cross, and follow Me.” Mark 10:21 The rich young ruler had the master passion to be perfect. When he saw Jesus Christ, he wanted to be like Him. Our Lord never puts personal holiness to the fore when He calls a disciple; He puts absolute annihilation […]