Continuing from Mark 5, I’d like you to put yourself in Jairus’ shoes – what is your reaction when you hear that your daughter is dying? Have you had this type of experience before? This daughter of this important synagogue ruler is dying. When you hear those words — my little girl is dying — […]
Mark 5 – Are you a nobody? (Part 1 of 3)
Are you a nobody? That’s a mean question. But isn’t that how the world categorizes most people? You’re either a somebody or you’re a nobody. It’s as simple as that.
When did God become a sports fan?
Here is a light read from CNN. I think it is relevant because many times we assume that when good things happen, God is on our side and blessing us and when bad things happen, God is against us and punishing us, or worse, forgetting about us. God has been showing me recently, it’s not […]
The Seven Post-Resurrection Sayings of Christ (Part 7 of 7)
Now I’d like to briefly go over the 5 main post-resurrection appearances where there is record of Jesus having said something. The four that I mentioned earlier — Mary Magdelene, Cleopas and the other disciple on their way to Emmaus, Thomas and Peter — and a fifth appearance to the Eleven disciples that we’ll exclude […]
The Seven Post-Resurrection Sayings of Christ (Part 4 of 7)
SLIDE 5: Reality is Messy – My jury duty experience – What are alternatives methods that God could have chosen to reveal his truth to us? To address this, I want to share about my jury duty experience this past week. I’ve shown up to court before to serve for jury duty but this is […]
The Seven Post-Resurrection Sayings of Christ (Part 3 of 7)
SLIDE 4 – Why hasn’t this been studied? – Difficulty to reconcile the facts – See table below that maps a post-resurrection saying to an appearance First Post-Resurrection Saying – Why are you crying, Who are you looking for?