Text: Psalm 78:52-61; Book of Jeremiah Summary: The Book of Jeremiah mentions 2 themes: Jehovah Tsidkenu (The LORD is Our Righteousness) and the temple of the LORD. Jesus fulfills both. How can we access this righteousness? 1 – Confess your sin and plead the Blood 2 – Listen to Jesus 3 – Trust Jesus
A Life That Pleases God
Jehovah Nissi
Text: Exod 17:8-16 Summary: Jehovah Nissi means “The Lord is My Banner.” In Christ, we are victors. Place your absolute faith/trust in Jesus and let Him fight for you.
It’s Time to Pass Our Tests
Audio file Text: James 1:2-7, 12-17; Matt 26:36-44 Summary: Jesus was steadfast under numerous trials. God tested Him and He passed every test with flying colors. Now it’s time to pass our tests.
Audio file Text: Luke 18 Summary: Be persistent in prayer. Be humble in prayer. Be simple in prayer. Be open in prayer.
Absolute Faith in Jesus
Audio file Text: Luke 17:20-18:8 Summary: Absolute faith in Jesus is produced through persistent prayer, believing that nothing is impossible with God and trusting that Jesus will do it.