Q1: Describe the mentality of Ananias and Sapphira. Why did they do what they did? What were they hoping to gain? What is their practical theology? Q2: How are you like Ananias and Sapphira? Q3: Why doesn’t God strike people dead in modern times like he did to A/S? —– Part 1 of 2 Welcome […]
Psalm 13: Thinking Turned To Trusting
As I reflect back on 2009, I see that I have had many questions. Why did this happen? Why isn’t this happening? And I observe a pattern of me thinking and thinking and spinning my wheels asking many questions but rarely finding an answer. The psalmist confesses that he finds himself wrestling with his thoughts. […]
Psalm 79:9 – For Your Name's Sake
Why strive to live a Christian life that means more than attending a Christmas service or Easter service once a year? Why struggle against our sinfulness and try to be holy? The answer is a simple one, yet often overlooked. It is because, as the psalmist would say, “for your name’s sake.” God’s name, His […]
Rev 12 and Psalm 10 – Making Room for God
When we think of Christmas, we think of angelic faces and egg nog. And of course, who can forget the main star of the show — a baby boy who entered the world on a silent night in an unknown stable? This quiet peace seems far from most of our realities. We have deadlines at […]
Thanksgiving Prayer for Elijah
Lord, Thank you for the safe and healthy delivery of Elijah this past July. You are the Author and Creator of Life and the Downs Syndrome scare really reminded us that life is in your good and loving hands. I want to give you thanks for his life and I surrender him to you. He […]
Happy Thanksgiving – Reflection About the 10 Lepers
My pastor spoke about the 10 lepers last Sunday and how only one was thankful to Jesus. As I reflect on this, I wonder why it is that only 1 out of 10 showed gratitude to Jesus. We are like 10 lepers who get used to what we don’t have — healing. We get used […]