Psalm 46:10 – "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." In an average day, we are bombarded with 3,000 messages a day. We are glued to our crackberries. Our computers are on 24×7. Our inboxes are full and while trying […]
1 Cor 13:1-13 – The Door of Faith, the Path of Hope, and the Destiny of Love
Good afternoon. That song is called a Better Way by the group Downhere. It is the same group who sang the Three Kings song which we performed during our last Xmas service. Let me read for you the lyrics. A Better Way by Downhere I’m not alone, I really believe You never go, You never […]
Am I in the Center of God’s Will?
One reason that God is distant is a problem with our priorities. Our approach to Christian life is that we want to fit God into our lives. He is more like an accessory. I meet young people pursuing their careers. They pursue the best grad schools and the highest paying jobs and they relocate and […]
Why is God distant and what can I do to make God more personal?
Why is God distant? 1) Problem with priorities / our value system We invest time in what we care about. We takes notes for class. We join study groups. We spend outside time to learn our trade so that we can advance our careers. But somehow when it comes to Christian life, we think a […]
John 4:43-54 – Experiential Faith vs. Faith that takes Jesus at His Word
Jesus identifies 2 types of believers in this passage where an official’s son is healed in Galilee. First, you have those who look for miraculous signs. Unless they see or witness external, visible, miraculous events, they will not believe. The other group is not mentioned, but by implication, there is a second group who is […]
John 2:12-25 – The Inconvenient Truth about Faith
In this passage, Jesus angrily clears the temple because his Father’s house of prayer had been turned into a marketplace. A place where there ought to be worship and surrender and devotion to God had been intermixed with non-religious activities such as buying and selling and making deals. How did this happen? People traveled far […]