The Hebrew word "hesed" which is translated as mercy in the NIV is a term which refers to God’s covenant faithfulness. Covenant is another word for contract, but specifically involves a weaker party who is utterly dependent on the stronger party to meet his or her needs. The stronger party accepts freely the responsibility of […]
Reflections on Micah 6:8 (Part I)
Micah sums up what God requires of His people – to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God. I used to think I knew what this meant. Now I am not so sure. Today, I want to reflect deeper on the first part – to act justly. Justice is to […]
Reflecting on the Problem of Evil 7 Years After 9/11
I can’t believe 7 years have passed already since 9/11/2001. Leading up to this horror, Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, was executed a few months prior. He set the stage by his final statement before his death as he quoted from William Henley’s poem, “Invictus.” Invictus Out of the night that covers me, Black […]
1 Corinthians 1:18-25 – The Stakes Are High
Introduction What are your expectations in coming here? Why am I here? I have 2 kids, I have a stressful job at a small software company. I am 33 years old. What on earth is my connection with all of you? Frankly, very little. But God saved me in college at UC Berkeley and God […]
Hearing the Voice of God
It is not easy to hear the voice of God in our modern age of cell phones, broadband internet connections, HD TV, ipods, IM, facebook, twitter, you get the point. I am returning to a basic pattern of Christian life that I practiced more during my younger days in the faith. I call it the […]
God's Work and Spiritual Battle
Soon after David was anointed king, he encountered spiritual opposition through Joab. (here is a brief description of Joab from wikipedia)[Joab, which translates to "The Lord is father," was the nephew of King David, the son of Zeruaiah. He was made the captain of David’s army. He had two brothers, Abishai and Asahel. Asahel was […]