fruitful labor
We Are the Fruit
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: John 15:1-8, 16 How do we please our Heavenly Father? By bearing much fruit. We are the fruit that the Father desires.
Matt 5:9-16 – Blessed Are the Peacemakers (pt3 of 4)
Not only is sharing about Christ something we do because He is the best thing that happened to me and to you, but also we share Christ because we believe he is true. He is not a teacher, a prophet, a mere leader of a religious movement, but we believe He is the Son of […]
How much do you consider your life worth to yourself?
I want to continue my reflection on Apostle Paul — he was clearly heavenbound in his thinking and actions. That is why he could say in Acts 20:24 – 24However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the […]