God's voice
Quotes from Jack Deere’s “Surprised by the Power of the Spirit: Discovering How God Speaks and Heals Today”
Jack Deere, formerly an associate professor of Old Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary, is a writer and lecturer who speaks throughout the world on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The real reason Christians do not believe in the miraculous gifts is simply because they have Inot seen miracles in their present experience. Yet no […]
Pastor Tope: God Still Speaks
God Still Speaks from Jubilee Church on Vimeo.
Hebrews 1-3: Jesus is the Best and Final Word
Sermon Outline Text: Heb 3:7-19 If you’ve been a Christian for a while, then you probably know the feeling of opening your Bible and expecting to hear from God but nothing happens Or, you kneel down to pray and it feels like your prayers don’t even reach the ceiling Or, for me, you’re a pastor […]