Text: Luke 9:23-25, 57-62 Summary: We can prepare to follow Jesus by surrendering daily, by denying ourselves daily, and by taking up our cross daily.
It’s Time to Get Our Heart in Shape
Text: Luke 6:37-49 Summary: When we are fully trained by Jesus, we will become just like Him. To act like Jesus, to speak like Jesus, to live like Jesus. Luke 6 lays a high standard. Loving an enemy is like entering the CrossFit championships. Let’s start with a beginner class – examining how we speak […]
Moving from Surviving to Thriving
Text: Luke 8:4-8 Summary: Parable of the Sower. The path-like heart and rocky heart do not apply to believers. It really comes down to a thorny heart and a good heart. God wants our hearts to be good and to bear a hundredfold amount of good fruit. Unlike the world, God is infinitely more interested […]
How to Build Up Your Faith through Prayer
Text: Luke 7:18-23 Summary: Because Jesus is so gracious, it’s fine to begin prayer with doubts. But to be called a person of faith, we must end our prayers proclaiming our absolute trust in Jesus.
The Posture, Priority and Purpose of Prayer
Text: Acts 3:1-16 Summary: By looking at the healing of the man lame from birth at the Beautiful Gate, God has much to teach us about our posture when we pray, the priority during prayer, and the purpose of prayer.
Turn Your Heart to Our Heavenly Father
Text: Luke 1:15-17; Mal 4; 1 Kings 17-19 Summary: The prophecy in Mal 4 is partially fulfilled in Luke 1 through the ministry of John the Baptist, who came in the spirit and power of Elijah. In both cases, the message is the same – Our Heavenly Father doesn’t want His children to go through […]