Text: Mal 1-4 Summary: God is your Father so HONOR Him and He is your Master so FEAR Him.
Repent and Rebuild
Text: Haggai 1-2; Heb 12 Summary: Repent, ask for forgiveness and build up the temple of your heart where the Spirit can dwell so that when Jesus returns you will not be shaken.
Worship Leads to Victory
Text: Zeph 1-3; Rom 8 Summary: Worship means to bow down. If you resolve never to bow down to anything in creation, and instead, to bow down only to your Creator, then you can become more than a conqueror.
Pause, Repent and Learn
Text: Habakkuk 1-3 Summary: Pause. Repent of your soulishness. And learn how to live by faith.
Our Compassionate Heavenly Father
Text: Jonah 4 Summary: Happy Father’s Day! Our Heavenly Father is full of compassion, pity and mercy toward His children.
Three Things the Lord Requires of Us
Text: Micah 6:6-8 Summary: 1) To act justly within your sphere of influence with the help of the Holy Spirit. 2) To love expressing steadfast love to God our Father. 3) To be made humble so that you can walk with Jesus all the days of your life.