Text: Amos 5:13, 5:24, 7:7; Matt 6:33, 7:1-5, 24:12, 26:51-52; James 1:19-20; Eph 6:12; Jude 1:8-10; John 6:15, 6:48-71, 8:32 Summary: Silence is not violence. Silence is prudence. Pray, don’t post. Lastly, Jesus is the real “liberation theology.”
Do Not Despise the Day of Small Things
Text: Zech 4:1-10 Summary: Do not grumble in the days and years of small things. Instead, be thankful for today and put all of your hope in Jesus for a bright future.
Time to Rebuild
Text: Neh 4:1, 11-23 Summary: It’s time to rebuild the temple of our hearts. Allow Jesus to be your Defender and Rebuilder.
God Desires Your Steadfast Love Toward His Son
Text: Hosea 6:1-7 Summary: God doesn’t desire your sacrifices. God desires you. More specifically, He desires that you show steadfast love toward His Son, your future Bridegroom.
Daily Prayers that Reach Heaven as a Pleasing Aroma
Text: Joel 2:12-14; Rev 5:8 Summary: Here are 3 daily prayers that are sure to reach heaven as a pleasing aroma. I surrender, Lord. I repent, Lord. I want to meet you, Lord.
Jesus, the Bright Morning Star
Text: Rev 22:16-21 Summary: The real battle is between the true Light and the counterfeit light. The best way to ensure that you and I won’t be deceived by an antichrist is to know the true Christ.