Text: John 16:1-15 Summary: The ministry of the Holy Spirit can be summed up in one word — Jesus.
Abiding in Jesus
Text: John 15:1-17 Summary: Love Jesus and love the friends of Jesus and God promises that you will bear much fruit and He will answer your prayers.
Jesus Will Do It
Text: John 14:11-14 In this fallen world, there will be plenty of trouble, but God’s will is for your heart to be trouble-free. How can we keep our hearts from being troubled? Every time you feel troubled, stressed, burdened, anxious, confused, or fearful, bring them one by one to Jesus and believe that He will […]
Our Attitude Toward this Life
Text: John 12:25 Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
Our Good Shepherd, Our Great Shepherd, Our Chief Shepherd
Text: John 10:1-16, 27-29 When you listen for Jesus’ voice and follow Him, Jesus Himself promises many things to you in John 10. He will save you (10:9) He will lead you (10:3-4) He will feed you (10:9) He will give you abundant life (10:10) He will lay down His life for you (10:11) He […]
Our Primary Work
Text: John 6:28-29, 39-40 Summary: As believers, our primary work is to believe in Jesus. God’s will for Jesus is to not lose any believer and to keep us for final salvation.