Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Mark 14:32-42 Pray to discern false teachers. Pray to endure the present and future persecution. Pray to express your heartfelt desire for Jesus’ return. Pray for a willing spirit to pray. Pray for your flesh and your emotions not to get in the way of you praying.
The Fires of Persecution
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Mark 10:17-31 (Context – Mark 9:49-50, 10:32-40) Summary: As followers of Jesus, expect to go through many fires, specifically, the fires of persecution. Allow these fires to purify you, for great is your reward.
Hear and Receive Jesus
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Mark 4 The Parable of the Sower. Resist the devil and run to the Head of HR, Jesus Christ. HR = Hear and Receive Jesus.
Being a Friend of Jesus
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Mark 3:13-15, 31-35 A Christian is a friend of Jesus who desires to be with Jesus and to do things with Jesus.
Our Faith in Jesus Must Be Exercised
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Matt 25:14-30 Parable of the Talents. At the outset of our spiritual journey, God gives us various portions of faith freely as a gift. It is up to us to exercise our faith so that it grows.
The Return of Jesus
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Matt 24:9-14 The return of Jesus will happen publicly, not privately, so don’t be deceived. The return of Jesus will happen once, not twice, so be prepared to endure suffering. The return of Jesus will happen suddenly so be ready.