Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Matt 18:1-6 Turn and become like a little child and do not despise other little ones, but instead, welcome and receive them.
Praiseworthy Faith: A Faith that is Not Easily Offended
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Matt 15:21-28 For what kind of faith does Jesus offer His highest commendation? Answer: a faith that is not easily offended. A Canaanite woman overcame the following: 1) Jesus’ silence, 2) disciples who were annoyed by her, 3) Jesus’ confusing statement toward her, and 4) what appears as an outright insult […]
Something Greater Than Jonah is Here
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Matt 12:38-42 Jonah was a living sign who survived being in the belly of a fish three days and three nights and his preaching led to the repentance of all of Nineveh. Someothing greater than Jonah is here and He, too, is a living sign who was raised from the belly […]
Pentecost Sunday: Spirit-filled Laborer and Spirit-filled Witness
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Matt 10:1-22 Jesus models for us what it means to be a Spirit-filled laborer and a Spirit-filled witness. Look to Him and follow in His footsteps.
Steadfast Love and Mercy
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Matt 9:9-13 Jesus is our Great Physician. Go to Him, receive healing from Him, and learn from Him 2 things — steadfast love and mercy.
The Lord’s Prayer: Listen and Rest
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Matt 6:9-13 As children of God, our Heavenly Father asks two things of us. First, He wants us to listen (and do the will of God). Second, He wants us to rest in His provisions.