Preacher: Pastor Ray Jesus demonstrates a pure faith and His resurrection produces in us a living hope so that we follow His example by loving Him, believing in Him and rejoicing in what He has done.
Good Friday 2016
Preacher: Pastor Ray Victory over sin, Satan and death began at the Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus struggled with and overcame His soul–His mind, emotions and will–by accepting the cup of God’s wrath in submission to the Father’s will.
Palm Sunday: What Do You Do When Your Soul is Troubled?
Preacher: Pastor Ray Are you troubled in your soul, in your mind, emotions, or will? Jesus also finds Himself troubled in His soul shortly after the triumphal entry to Jerusalem. Learn from Jesus as He demonstrates how to respond to trouble properly.
Be Humble and Courageous (1 Peter 5)
Preacher: Pastor Ray 1 Pet 5:10 includes an incredible promise of God himself coming to restore, confirm, strengthen and establish us. This promise can be yours if you are prepared to suffer courageously.
Ephesians: Fullness of Christ, Filled by the Spirit, Fighting on Our Knees
Preacher: Pastor Ray The book of Ephesians describes the goal of the Christian life as growing into Christ’s FULLNESS. In order to reach this kind of maturity, we need to be FILLED by the Spirit. Lastly, we need to FIGHT on our knees.
Worship: Wasting Our Lives ON Jesus (John 12)
Preacher: Pastor Ray We often talk about “wasting” our lives FOR Jesus. But do you know what it means to waste your life ON Jesus? Let’s take a closer look at Mary’s life as she poured out her entire life savings literally ON Jesus in a singular act of extravagant worship. Nothing captures the heart […]