One of the questions we get asked a lot in the biblical counseling movement concerns whether Jesus can heal those with a mental illness. The question is asked by people who are concerned about Scripture’s sufficiency and Jesus’ relevance to deal with the most difficult problems that people face. Before we can answer the question […]
Heb 12: The Fiery, Fatherly Disciplinarian
Hebrews 5-7: Jesus’ Ongoing Priestly Role
Sermon Outline Text: Hebrews 7:23-28 Intro Happy Father’s Day As a father of 3 boys, myself, I wanted to extend a hearty thank you to all the fathers because you and I know that we don’t get enough thanks For Mother’s Day, the family does homemade breakfast and handwritten cards But for Father’s Day, you’re […]
Hebrews 4 and 5: Jesus, Our Great High Priest
Sermon Outline Text: Heb 4:14-16; Heb 5:1-10 Seniors final service – Phil 3 Congratulations – graduating from Caltech is not easy I remember when I was a senior in 1996, I thought I was the next Billy Graham I wanted to be a pastor who changed the world for Christ God in His wisdom, didn’t […]
Hebrews 3-4: Fight for Your Rest
Sermon: John Shen’s testimony: Sermon Outline Text: Heb 4:1-13 Intro I’ve heard from a number of you now that my sermons are a bit “heavy,” some have used the word “dense” I prefer “profound” or “substantial” or “thought-provoking” But instead, I get heavy and dense Sounds like a Ruth Chris steak covered with mashed potatoes […]
Hebrews 1-3: Jesus is the Best and Final Word
Sermon Outline Text: Heb 3:7-19 If you’ve been a Christian for a while, then you probably know the feeling of opening your Bible and expecting to hear from God but nothing happens Or, you kneel down to pray and it feels like your prayers don’t even reach the ceiling Or, for me, you’re a pastor […]