Philippians 2 is one of the most important chapters in all of Scripture. If you could wring out Scripture like a sponge and gather the drops of the most critical themes, I think one of the drops would contain Philippians 2. What’s in this chapter is so fundamental to who God is, and who we […]
Phil 1 – Just One Thing (pt3 of 3)
2) The gospel leads to Fellowship Phil 1 27 Just one thing: Live your life in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or am absent, I will hear about you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind… Let’s follow Paul’s argument. He […]
Phil 1 – Just One Thing (pt2 of 3)
If the priority is right, v21 – living is Christ, then you can talk about v27. Phil 1 27 Just one thing: Live your life in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. If I were to combine v21 and v27, my paraphrase would be this. Living is Christ, now that you got the […]
Phil 1 – Just One Thing (pt1 of 3)
Text: Phil 1:27-30 The title for this sermon is “Just One Thing.” Last week, we talked about being a gospel partner. If you really believe in the gospel, then you will give your life in service of the gospel. The main point last week was to be a gospel partner. The text was Phil 1:21-26. […]
Resources: Overcoming Lust and Porn
I heard about these resources from my brother PJ. Now I commend them to you. An audio interview: Porn, Pride, and Praise: An Interview with Heath Lambert A blog post: 20 Quotes from Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace A book for sale on Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace
Phil 1: Become a Gospel Partner (pt1 of 3)
The title of today’s sermon is “Become a Gospel Partner.” Do you believe in the gospel? I mean, do you really believe? If so, how do you know if your belief is authentic? Belief in Jesus is never a private, personal matter. Belief in Jesus always leads to suffering for Jesus. Here, we’re not talking […]